Thursday, August 18, 2011


With housing in a 5 year swoon some observers are looking to this week's record low mortgage rates to boost Mammoth's real estate market. This morning Doug Magit, with Wells Fargo Home Mortgage, reported a 4.125% fixed interest rate for 30 year Fannie Mae conforming mortgages on primary or second home loans. These rates reflect a 20% down payment for single family homes and 25% down for condos. Both loans were calculated  with .25 origination points.

By contrast, 10 years ago these same loans were pegged at around 7% interest with 1 origination  point. When the market peaked in 2007 rates were still about 2% higher than they are today.

With many economists predicting inflation to accelerate in the next few years, and with some Mammoth Lakes real estate selling at an appealing 40% discount from 2007's highs, tying up a fixed rate loan at today's rates and paying it back with cheaper inflated dollars down the road is looking increasingly attractive to investors.

To be sure qualifying standards have tightened up since the 2008 financial crisis. There are no more "liar's" stated income loans and credit scores need to be a sterling 740 or higher. Further a nearly mandatory 20-25% down payment replaces the low and zero down loans so popular just a few years ago. But, for those who meet these requirements a thorough examination of today's opportunities is warranted.

Find out what kind of loan you qualify for by following the link to Doug Magit's website then give me a call for an up to date list of Mammoth's best real estate buys.

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